Menopause in the Workplace

It is not always easy for managers or company owners to know the extent to which the menopause is affecting staff, because people often don’t feel comfortable talking about it. It is my hope that I can collaborate with your colleagues, managers and senior leadership team to help provide some practical support for your organisation. 

There have been many articles and studies highlighting the need for increased menopause awareness and support in the workplace with statistics published (Standard Chartered Menopause in the Workplace Impact report 2021 & Fawcett Society Report 2022) that include:

    • 80% people going through menopause are in work
    • 10% have left work due to their symptoms
    • 15% have gone part-time
    • 8% have not applied for promotion
    • 3% have retired
    • 13% are considering retiring
    • 46% did not disclose because they were worried it would be perceived negatively
    • 41% were worried their abilities would be questioned.

I appreciate that in the current economic climate, a drive for companies to be truly inclusive for all employees can be extremely challenging. With a diverse workforce, supporting varied areas of the business, understanding the true impact of menopause on colleagues is important.

Whilst there is ever-growing guidance material for menopause, our work tells us that practical and engaging menopause awareness training can be more successful in improving understanding of the menopause, the impacts experienced, opening up the conversations, identifying successful support mechanisms and removing the stigma so often associated with menopause. Training for colleagues, managers and senior leaders can really make a difference and is key in supporting the move to becoming a menopause-friendly workspace.

The Menopause Workplace Training Network and the Henpicked Group have a clear vision to make all employers menopause friendly and we will achieve this by delivering non-biased, tried, tested and trusted training and awareness content. Our training is supported by experts in the field and we instil our passion into everything we do by sharing our knowledge and building mutually beneficial, service-led relationships with our customers.

Take a look at the following documents for details of the Menopause in the Workplace Training offer.

The Menopause Workplace Training Network Brochure     Compelling Reasons to Invest in Menopause Training

As a Licensed Trainer for The Menopause Workplace Training Network, I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you and/or your colleagues to explore how I can help you and your Senior Leadership Team to support your company to be a menopause-friendly workplace.

Click on the link below to schedule a 30-minute call and let's start the conversation.

Menopause Workplace Training Image

4 Trainings

An Introduction to Menopause

A great taster session to start the conversation about the importance of supporting menopause at work.

Menopause Awareness Training for Colleagues

An engaging, inclusive and highly interactive session that covers what menopause is, how to recognise the symptoms and how someone may be affected by menopause. It also looks at the options available to manage symptoms and long-term health, and covers what support is available and how to access it.

Menopause Awareness Training for Managers

An interactive session building menopause awareness: Providing managers and leaders with everything they need to know about menopause, how it can affect someone at work, and how to provide support to their colleagues.

PAUSE: Menopause Support Groups

The purpose of the support group sessions are to be guided by the needs of your colleagues and to explore specific topics in more detail.

The one-hour sessions are to be based on group discussion, sharing of personal stories and signposting to further learning and resources. We recommend a series of six sessions to allow for a good variety of subject areas to be explored in detail.

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