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Coaching will help you find the courage to live the life you really want. You’ll be heard, supported, and challenged - all within a safe environment.

It’s like having a conversation with a trusted friend - but the focus will be solely on YOU and removing any self-imposed limitations that may be holding you back.

Why not invest in yourself and explore whether coaching could be the right solution to help you achieve personal success.

Menopause in the Workplace


As a Licensed Henpicked Menopause in the Workplace Trainer, my mission is for all employers to be menopause friendly. 

Menopause impacts lives and can be a challenging time, both for individuals on their journey and their families, friends and colleagues.

If you don't have a menopause policy in place, let's start the conversation.

Henpicked Menopause Hub


The Henpicked Menopause Hub is packed full of videos, podcasts, supporting resources and personal stories aimed at guiding you through your menopause journey.

The Hub includes access to expert views on topics such as menopause symptoms, long-term health, nutrition and exercise, and menopause at work.

... and all free to access.

Let's Talk Menopause Events


Discover a transformative journey through menopause with our empowering events.

Guided by experts in women's health, our events offer invaluable insights, practical strategies, and a supportive community to navigate this significant life transition with confidence and vitality.


The Wellbeing Workbook


To live a brighter life, you need to ensure that the elements of your life are balanced; Mind and MeaningHealth and VitalityLove and RelationshipsCareer and Lifestyle.

This personalised workbook is jam-packed with tips on how to rebalance your life, based on information you provide, so the content is 100% tailored to YOU!

Purchase the workbook today and kick-start your journey to a brighter life.

Brighter Bitesize

Online learning, e-books and workbooks all designed to support your journey to gaining a brighter life.

How to be brilliant


You’re striving for happiness, productivity and success, but how do you actually get there? It seems we’re all built for a natural tendency towards wanting to be the best we can be, yet sometimes, along the way, you might start to lose hope that you can become that brilliant person you thought you could be.

It’s not too late. You can still be THE BRILLIANT YOU that you and I know you’re capable of being.

This bitesize session will set you on the right path.

How to get things done


There is no doubt that we want to accomplish more in our lifetime than ever before. We may have lofty career aspirations, family responsibilities or personal goals that constantly loom over us. Most of all, we have the intense desire to balance and juggle all responsibilities.

It may seem impossible, but with the proper set of tools and practice, you can manage your time so you can get more done and enjoy more time with your family and friends. It all boils down to time management and not procrastinating.

How to deal with difficult people


Having to deal with difficult people is part of life, and we’ll all face difficult conversations at some point or another. How you deal with them is important and will set you up for success as the relationship with that person develops and you learn to manage any difficult situation that may arise in the future.

Learn the secrets of dealing with difficult people: how to control your responses and how to deal with negativity by tapping into your emotional intelligence.

How to break free from stress


Regardless of how you live, you’re bound to occasionally experience stress. You may be able to identify when stress is creeping up on you, but if you’re like most of us, you just keep plugging away and trying to get everything done. But what if you actively took steps to manage your stress? Would your life be different? Would you feel better? Of course, you would!

Fortunately, there are some simple tips and tricks you can implement today to get a handle on your stress.

How to fight your fears


All of us struggle with fear and worry from time to time. In fact, in many cases, fear is actually a good and healthy thing. But if fear gets out of control, it can take over and prevent us from enjoying life.

Unfortunately, we can’t run from fear or simply hope it goes away. There will always be something to worry about. If we’re going to successfully navigate the often-difficult world in which we live, we need effective strategies for coping with worry and fear. We must be able to deal with our anxieties in healthy and productive ways.

Declutter Your Life and Free Your Mind


The word decluttering doesn’t just apply to housekeeping. The same concept can apply to your mind. It’s the process of lowering the burden on your mind by eliminating unnecessary worry and thoughts.  You can do this by making changes to your life and your thought processes. 

By devoting a little of your time to getting rid of the clutter in your life and maintaining things relatively clutter-free, you’ll reap the rewards of pleasant living areas, reduced stress, and a more organised and productive existence.

My Little Book of Happy Thoughts


Life can be incredibly difficult at times and you may be faced with challenges that squeeze all the happiness out of you. There are some days where being happy really doesn’t seem possible.

In this little book, you’ll find 12 happy thoughts to brighten your day and the added bonus is that the book is FREE ... AND you're welcome to share it with family and friends.

Are you smiling yet?

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