About me

Sue Carey
Cert. L.C. Wellbeing, MAC
Transformation and Wellbeing Coach


I’m so excited that you’re considering taking the first step towards achieving the life you deserve.

So, who am I and what do I know about living a brighter life?

Well, I worked in the corporate world for more than 30 years as a learning professional, mentor, and professional coach. However I decided to leave my role as Group Head of Learning for BP to pursue a new path of discovery, which has since evolved into My Brighter Life and the exciting world of helping others to become their best self.

I’ve been asked many times why I left a well-paid job for the uncertain world of self-employment - particularly in the middle of a pandemic. Well, like many of you, I dreamed of doing something different with my life, but always found a reason to stop myself from taking that first step.

At the beginning of 2020, I made up my mind to leave work that summer and when I was offered the opportunity to take voluntary redundancy, it made the change a no-brainer! Although it wasn't easy to give up the security of a regular income to do something completely out of my comfort zone, I’m so glad that I did. I have to admit that the addition of redundancy money to the equation did help. Since leaving, I’ve spoken to many others who have taken the same step to follow their dreams (with or without funds in place) and not one person has regretted it.

I’m now able to work more flexible hours and do something I really enjoy and have a huge passion for. Happy days!

What triggered the change?

In December 2019, after visiting the doctor’s surgery for a routine check-up, I found myself in the hospital with blood pressure through the roof, attached to a heart monitor, and very scared that my life was about to be over. Sounds dramatic? Well, yes, it was at the time - it’s not an experience I would ever want to repeat or wish on anyone else. But what it did allow was time for me to think about why and how I’d ended up in that hospital bed.

Since returning from an amazing 4-month tour around Europe in our motorhome back in 2017, I’d allowed stress and anxiety to creep up on me and to finally take control. It was a slow burn, and like many people, I chose to ignore it until it was almost too late. Looking back, it’s clear the signs were there; sleepless nights, over-thinking everything, eating too much (and the wrong things), lack of focus/concentration, headaches, and erratic behaviour.

I decided that it was time to stop waiting for life to happen to me and finally take a step towards the life I had talked about for so many years.

The next chapter

So, what next? Well, that’s where I’d like to help you! Let’s not wait for something to trigger your life change. You only have one life on this earth, and it’s vital to make the most of it. Why accept ‘just OK’ when you can change your life for the better. Whether it’s a small change or a life transformation, I can help you.

Join me on the path of discovery and let’s remove all the self-limiting beliefs you’ve built up over the years … so you can finally take that first step towards your brighter life.

I look forward to walking the path with you.

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