Resources 5 essential secrets to emotional wellbeing

5 essential secrets to emotional wellbeing


Your emotions help dictate your state of mind. This means that to keep your state of mind intact, it's necessary to have emotional balance. That way, you can make it through even the toughest times.

You can enhance your emotional well-being, so when challenging times come around, you'll be more prepared to handle them! 

These strategies can help you manage your emotions effectively: 

  • Identify your support system. It's very easy to experience emotional dips. This is especially true when you’re making emotionally charged decisions.

    • Identify friends or family members who can be the voice of reason. While your emotions are cross-wired, it helps to have an external voice guiding you towards making an appropriate decision.

    • It's healthy to discuss various topics with members of your support system. It helps them see how you think in different situations.

  • Confront your emotions. Avoid hiding from negative feelings. Facing your emotions is the best way to overcome them. And the more you practice, the easier it will become to stay calm during emotional circumstances.

    • If you're heartbroken, it isn’t healthy to try and pretend otherwise. Allow the reactions to come. If you feel like crying or screaming, go ahead. It will help you gain closure and a fuller understanding of your feelings.

    • It isn’t necessary to question why you’re feeling a certain way. Identify the source of the emotion and work at confronting it instead. Avoid apologizing for your emotions. 

  • Celebrate your strengths. There's no better way to build emotional well-being than by celebrating your strengths. Identify your attributes, talents, and skills that make you feel confident. Remind yourself of how resilient and powerful you are.

    • Your strengths aren't to be taken lightly. They form your backbone.

    • Openly acknowledging your strengths subconsciously helps you believe in yourself. In turn, you develop a sound emotional state.

  • Provide support to others. This goes hand in hand with relying on your own support team. Exposing yourself to the emotions of others helps you to process them better. You take things for face value. You can be impartial, fair, and just.

    • When you support others, you’re required to be truthful and honest. Displaying honesty about someone else’s emotions can help you develop the same honesty about your own.

    • Helping others work through challenges can make you appreciate all sorts of emotions and build up your own emotional well-being.

  • Keep your surroundings positive. Maintaining a positive environment is very important. It helps you concentrate on positive emotions and aids in the healing process. It’s much easier to effectively manage your emotions when you’re surrounded by positive energy.

    • Partake in activities you enjoy. This isn’t an effort to dismiss your emotions. It’s simply a tool for developing a positive mindset.

    • That positive mindset reinforces your ability to be impartial and fair. It's tempting to be hard on yourself, especially when you're surrounded by negative influences. 

Remember that you have your emotions for a reason! They help you empathise with others going through similar situations and give you hope. Use these tips to enhance your emotional well-being. You’ll be glad you did!



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Use the following search terms to refine the results by the elements of the Wheel of Life:


This element helps you to be in touch with your feelings, emotions and reactions. When you improve your relationships, everything gets a little easier because you have a solid foundation for support. When you feel happier about your personal life, you have a brighter outlook towards your life in general.


This element needs attention if you find that you are low in energy, fighting the battle of the bulge or find you get sick a lot. Taking care of your health can have a huge impact on how you feel about yourself. If you desire to be more active, be fitter or stronger, then you may want to consider working on your health and vitality as a top priority.


This element relates to your skills, finances, fulfilment, and satisfaction in your work area of life. If you feel like your job is draining and you’d rather go to the dentist, or you’re working long hours and your social life is suffering, or your finances don’t represent the effort you put in or the life you want, it might be time to re-evaluate this area of your life.


This element relates to your ability to be open to new experiences and ideas which allow you to grow and change and respond to life’s challenges. It’s all about critical thinking, creativity, and curiosity, and the nurturing of continual learning in life. Having clarity of meaning and purpose helps you establish a sense of peace and harmony.

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