Resources 9 Benefits of a Daily Nap

9 Benefits of a Daily Nap


Many people think that napping is for lazy, old, or mentally weak individuals. However, napping is common among mammals. Look at how much time your dog or cat spend napping. It’s impressive. It only makes sense that we could all benefit from a regular nap.

Why aren’t you taking advantage of naps? You might be making a big mistake.

See how napping can bring you many physical and psychological benefits: 

  • Less fatigue. Studies have shown that napping is a poor substitute for a good night of sleep when it comes to physical restoration. For example, you won’t recover better from an intense workout by taking naps. However, you will feel less tired and refreshed if you take a nap.

  • Greater alertness. Alertness is significantly improved with naps. You know that dreaded feeling of physical and mental fatigue that hit you in the afternoon? A nap is perfect for overcoming that. You’ll feel like a new person.

  • Greater focus. With alertness comes greater focus. You’ll daydream less and find it easier to control your attention. If you’re struggling later in the day to keep your mind on task, a nap might be the answer.

  • Enhanced mood. Naps have been shown to increase contentedness. Who doesn’t feel a little better after a good nap?

  • Greater performance. If you’re less tired, more alert, more focused, and are in a better mood, you’re going to perform at a higher level.

  • Enhanced learning and memory. Certain types of learning and memory are greatly enhanced by napping. If you’re taking a night class, a nap beforehand is a good idea. College students should consider napping during the day, too. If your memory is less than ideal, try a nap and see if it helps.

  • More productive hours. A nap seems to reset your brain. It’s like you have a whole new day ahead of you. An afternoon nap can give you several more hours of productivity. Consider how little you probably get done later in the day now. That time might best be used for napping.

  • Boost immune system. Countless studies have shown a positive effect of naps on immune function. Naps can help to keep you healthy. Naps are especially helpful during flu season. A nap a day might keep the doctor away better than an apple a day.

  • Improved physical stamina. Physical stamina is strengthened with naps. This has been demonstrated in athletes, soldiers, and regular people. Do you feel weak and ineffectual? A nap might be in order.

A few final tips to keep in mind:

  • Determine the proper amount of time to nap. This varies with the person. Naps from 30-60 minutes work best for most people, but each person is a little different. Experiment and see what works best for you.

  • Use an alarm. If you’re worried about oversleeping, you’ll be less likely to fall asleep and sleep soundly.

  • Be consistent. You might feel a little groggy the first few times you try napping. Stick with it. Try to be consistent with your napping schedule, and your body will adapt. 

Napping costs nothing, feels good, and benefits your mind and body in so many ways. You’ll accomplish more and smile more while doing it. Avoid believing the naysayers and test it out for yourself. Napping is a great tool for increasing productivity and performance.

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This element helps you to be in touch with your feelings, emotions and reactions. When you improve your relationships, everything gets a little easier because you have a solid foundation for support. When you feel happier about your personal life, you have a brighter outlook towards your life in general.


This element needs attention if you find that you are low in energy, fighting the battle of the bulge or find you get sick a lot. Taking care of your health can have a huge impact on how you feel about yourself. If you desire to be more active, be fitter or stronger, then you may want to consider working on your health and vitality as a top priority.


This element relates to your skills, finances, fulfilment, and satisfaction in your work area of life. If you feel like your job is draining and you’d rather go to the dentist, or you’re working long hours and your social life is suffering, or your finances don’t represent the effort you put in or the life you want, it might be time to re-evaluate this area of your life.


This element relates to your ability to be open to new experiences and ideas which allow you to grow and change and respond to life’s challenges. It’s all about critical thinking, creativity, and curiosity, and the nurturing of continual learning in life. Having clarity of meaning and purpose helps you establish a sense of peace and harmony.

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