Resources 7 ways to spring clean your mind

7 ways to spring clean your mind


Spring is a good time to make your home and workspaces sparkling clean and clutter-free.

However, there's something else you should be paying attention to as well, and that's keeping a clear and happy mindset.

If you find that you're having trouble dealing with life's stresses, and you need to sort out your thoughts, it will benefit you to use some of your spring cleaning time on yourself!

Try some of the following tips to reorganise your thoughts:

  • Get rid of anger.

    There are many negative emotions that you can eliminate during spring cleaning time, and anger is one of those emotions. You need to deal with it and then throw it away.

    Ensure you handle it effectively rather than hide it away. If you try to push it away, it'll just grow stronger and cause you more stress. Face your anger and make a plan to find solutions for your issues, or let go.

  • Focus on forgiveness.

    Focus on forgiveness if you're holding onto negative emotions. You may not feel that the person you need to forgive deserves it, but you finally deserve to be at peace. Think of it as doing something for yourself instead of letting someone off the hook.

  • Make a list of your dreams and goals.

    Just as you make a list of your chores during cleaning, make a list of some of your short term and long term dreams and goals. When you list them out on paper, it gives you something concrete to look at throughout the day.

    Post your list where you'll see it often, and cross things off as you accomplish them.

  • Be open to new ideas.

    When you open yourself to new situations and ideas, you'll bring a new freshness and more opportunities into your life. It might feel safe to stay closed off, but eventually, you'll feel that things have become stale.

  • Don't be afraid to have fun.

    Spring cleaning for your home or mind doesn't have to be a chore. With the right attitude, it can be fun to bring change into your life. It's like getting a fresh start, and you can focus on your new beginning.

  • Start enjoying life and nature.

    Learn to see the beauty in things that you've taken for granted. Take a walk, get some fresh air, or get up early one day to watch the sunrise. These things will give you new perspectives on life.

  • Focus on organisation.

    Just like you would organise your house when it becomes too cluttered, take this opportunity to learn to organise your mind when it becomes cluttered too. Avoid letting jumbled thoughts overpower your thinking process. Learn to use a calm approach and deal with one situation at a time.

Take some time out of each day to clear your mind. You can accomplish this through meditation or anything that relaxes you.

Remember, you're critical and more important than those other things you clean every spring. Use these tips to spring clean your mind, and enjoy your new beginning free from stresses and negativity.



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Use the following search terms to refine the results by the elements of the Wheel of Life:


This element helps you to be in touch with your feelings, emotions and reactions. When you improve your relationships, everything gets a little easier because you have a solid foundation for support. When you feel happier about your personal life, you have a brighter outlook towards your life in general.


This element needs attention if you find that you are low in energy, fighting the battle of the bulge or find you get sick a lot. Taking care of your health can have a huge impact on how you feel about yourself. If you desire to be more active, be fitter or stronger, then you may want to consider working on your health and vitality as a top priority.


This element relates to your skills, finances, fulfilment, and satisfaction in your work area of life. If you feel like your job is draining and you’d rather go to the dentist, or you’re working long hours and your social life is suffering, or your finances don’t represent the effort you put in or the life you want, it might be time to re-evaluate this area of your life.


This element relates to your ability to be open to new experiences and ideas which allow you to grow and change and respond to life’s challenges. It’s all about critical thinking, creativity, and curiosity, and the nurturing of continual learning in life. Having clarity of meaning and purpose helps you establish a sense of peace and harmony.

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